Our Dimple Balls are ideal for use in Cricket Bowling Machines & for Professional Net Practice. These Balls are made from PU (Poly urethane), Which has best wear resistant and bounce qualities.
These Top Quality Cricket Balls Can be used at Synthetic turf Wicket & on Soil wicket as well. These balls are giving there quality performance on Cement Pitches, Granite Pitches and on Grass Pitches.
Ideal for delivered by Hand or By Cricket Bowling Machines.
Very Useful for Professional Practice.
Durable and long lasting quality.
Made from PU for long lasting performance and and great life.
These Dimple balls can be used in Cricket bowling machines, Cricket Net practice etc.
Available in Red and Yellow Color at very attractive Price.
PU Dimple Cricket Ball Video for Ball Quality
PU Dimpled Balls
PU Dimpled Balls
yellow Dimple balls
yellow Dimple balls
Dimpled Balls
Dimpled Balls
red and yellow dimple balls2
red and yellow dimple balls1
red and yellow dimple balls
K n Vidyadhar
on July 31, 2014 at 9:36 am
Please quote the price for one dozen yellow dimple balls for cricket bowling machine
Please quote the price for twelve (12) dozen yellow and five (5)red dimple balls for cricket bowling machine.
The total amount of balls is 204
my shipping address is Dayanand Nigel Patrick c/0 The Presidential insurance company ltd.54, Richmond Street Port of Spain. trinidad and Tobago West Indies.
Hi, I would be interested in obtaining samples of your yellow dimpled balls with the view to placing larger orders longer term. I would just like to experience the bounce, hardness and reaction off the pitch before placing larger orders.
Kind regards
Rick Heilbronn, Premier Cricket Australia
Please quote the price for one dozen yellow dimple balls for cricket bowling machine
Please quote the price for twelve (12) dozen yellow and five (5)red dimple balls for cricket bowling machine.
The total amount of balls is 204
my shipping address is Dayanand Nigel Patrick c/0 The Presidential insurance company ltd.54, Richmond Street Port of Spain. trinidad and Tobago West Indies.
Dayanand Nigel Patrick
my prods
cricket bat 2ps
my adress
my mo
.9669189633 sanjay singh
i want 60 yellow dimple ball for cricket bowling machine, kindly let me know availability & quote at the earliest.
We need 90 yellow ball for indoor nets, please tell the quote.
Will let you know the address once you provide me the quote.
Hi, I would be interested in obtaining samples of your yellow dimpled balls with the view to placing larger orders longer term. I would just like to experience the bounce, hardness and reaction off the pitch before placing larger orders.
Kind regards
Rick Heilbronn, Premier Cricket Australia
Price for dozen yellow dimple balls
Can you tell me the price for 24 Balls please, shipping to Melbourne Australia
I need 180balls for my indoor cricket centre in Chennai. Please quote the best rate.
Hai we are looking for 75gms small dimple ball with big holes…can I have the price of a 18 no’s of balls…