Pace Field Trainer

Machine for Catch and Fielding Practice

Smart Technologies introduces Pace Field trainer Machine. The ultimate Cricket Field Trainer for practice of Fielding Drills. This trainer helps you to improve your fielding drills and batting techniques as well.


Features of the Cricket Field Trainer

• For High Catch, Sleep Catch, Parallel Catch, Short Catch, High Catch with swing, Close Catch, Single Handed Catch Practice.
• For Ground Fielding, Attacking Fielding, Defensive Fielding, Sloppy Fielding, Ground Fielding with swing Practice.
• For Batting Practice-Very useful for practice against Flipper Ball, Reverse Swing, Flutter Ball.
• Also available with feeder.
• Very useful for Under-14 players as Cricket Bowling Machine.
• Well balanced Stand on break wheels.
• Line Length can be changed very quickly.


Pace Cricket Field trainer Machine at a Academy